Sunday, February 4, 2007

Choose a representative passage from this novel that holds particular significance toyou. Type it in and comment on its significance.

“I hurried home and found Carol radiant. O told her about Hato and she replied, “Hato’s daughter, Kimi, prayed with me this morning. She said her father told her he wanted God’s Peace Child, and she decided she did too!” …
“Honey,” I whispered into Carol’s golden hair, “this place has… it has…” How could I express it? “It has the feel of the center of the will of God!” (200)

The above excerpt is from the dialogue between Don Richardson and his wife, Carol Richardson, as more Sawi decide to accept Jesus Christ, the ultimate and everlasting peace child, into their heart. Don and Carol are amazed at how holy this primitive village has become, how pure their beliefs are and how much they want to accept God in their life. This passage was particularly significant to me, because I was particularly shocked in the exposition of the novel. Here is an excerpt from the second chapter.

“Then he yawned and stretched out for a midday nap on his grass mat, pulling half of it over him as a shield from the damp, cool air gusting through the frond wall. Yae’s jawless skull, already polished to a smooth sheen, rolled against Maum’s shoulder as he drew the mat over him. He took it and placed it under his head as a pillow and was soon asleep.”(36)

These people, who later become devoted Christians were once headhunters who comfortably sleep using human skull as their pillows.
I have had the chance to read the novel several times during the break. Thus, when I read the exposition of the novel again, I remembered how brutal and crude the Sawi once were. To be frank, I’ve only guessed the Sawi to be the antagonist of the novel and Don Richardson as the protagonist. These two passages, accompanied by their dramatic contrast hold particular significance to me.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Perhaps the real antagonist is deception and the evil that dwells in our sinful nature? Mrs.Mc.