Sunday, February 4, 2007

Question: How did Christianity change this culture?

“…he too headed home with that joy throbbing through his being. A tiny crack had opened in the base of the first pillar.
The ascendancy of the second pillar had begun.”(197)

Many may argue that all culture should be appreciated for its uniqueness and should be preserved. However, Don Richardson did not hesitate to ‘crack’ the culture that did not accord with God’s will.
These ‘pillars’ that were broken down in the presence of Don Richardson and the words of Christ, can be interpreted as the basis of the Sawi culture. Don Richardson, even in his own words, declared that he cracked a pillar of the Sawi culture, and the second pillar was soon to break.
Can this be justified? Don Richardson took away the Sawi belief in aumamay, the traditional waness, the concept of tuwi asonai man, and ultimately their pride in cannibalism. All of these were removed from the Sawi culture, in the presence of the Lord. One might say that Don Richarson, without realizing, distorted the Sawi culture. However, I assert that no one will ever like to be burnt with coal while unconscious, experience such great shame by the mother-in-law, or be eaten by his/her best friend. These attributes were not worth the preservation. Therefore, the answer to my question is ‘yes.’ Banishing traits of a culture that brings nothing good, but only tears to others, can be justified.
This is what Don Richardson did as he spent time in the Sawi village. Just one family was able to expel all these evil, with the help from the words of God. Headhunters became devoted Christians and no more evil lied in their mind or their nature.
The pillars were definitely broken. However, were those pillars necessary? The evil was dwelling with evil already, and was soon to rot. Though not mentioned in the book, Don Richardson did not only crack the pillars. I believe he rather replaced the pillars with the words of God and the ultimate peace child, Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Absolutely! You have a great site! I loved reading these posts. Mrs.MC.